Become a Certified Pool & Spa Operator®

Certified Pool & Spa Operator Course

certified pool & spa
operator class

October 28 & 29th, 2024 Pine Mountain, GA 31822
PRICE: $400
Certified Pool & Spa Operator Course

certified pool & spa
operator class

March 24th & 25th, 2025 Pine Mountain, GA 31822.

PRICE: $400
Certified Pool & Spa Operator Course

certified pool & spa
operator class

Coming Soon

The Certified Pool & Spa Operator® (CPO®) certification program stands as the premier education and certification initiative globally aimed at ensuring the safety and accessibility of pools. To date, we have trained over 700,000 students since our establishment in 1973. Attaining CPO certification equips individuals with the requisite knowledge, techniques, and skills essential for effective pool operations.

You will be educated on the following topics:

Why Choose CPO?

Certified Pool & Spa Operator Course

Course Options

The curriculum of CPO® Certification courses is taught by certified instructors and covers info from the Pool & Spa Operator™ Handbook and local codes. Completing the course occurs through the following:

Classroom Course: This is a 16hour, 2 day program taught by a certified instructor.

Blended Format: This option allows you to take the online CPO Fusion course and a 1 day, in-person class of instruction (which can also be taken as a stand-alone refresher course). Total length is 16 hours.

Recertification Options: An active CPO Certification is required

Candidates have the option to register for the second day of the CPO course along with an instructor, and subsequently take the exam either in-person or virtually. Before opting for the virtual delivery, candidates should verify the approval status of the virtual option within their local jurisdiction.

Similarly, for the CPO Fusion Course (8-hour course), candidates can register with an instructor and then take the exam in-person or virtually. It is important to ensure approval for the virtual delivery within your local jurisdiction.

Expired Certification? Here are your options:

Classroom Course: This is a 16hour, 2 day program taught by a certified instructor.

Blended Format: This option allows you to take the online CPO Fusion course and a 1 day, in-person class of instruction (which can also be taken as a stand-alone refresher course). Total length is 16 hours.


Certified Pool & Spa Operator™ Handbook

This essential guide and reference manual is designed for professionals in the aquatic industry, such as operators, health officials, service technicians, retailers, property managers, and manufacturers. Experts in the field consider this handbook to be the primary and most valuable resource for the recreational water industry. Key features of the handbook include:

Pool Math™workbook

Introducing the Pool Math™ Workbook, the premier textbook in the industry exclusively designed to simplify swimming pool and spa calculations. Kickstarting with a fundamental math skills assessment, it enables students to gauge their math proficiency and potential, while also encompassing crucial conversions and calculation reviews.

It’s important to note that the Pool Math workbook entails an additional cost.

Already a CPO, but lost your certificate?

Complete this to to receive a replacement:


Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

PHTA is proud to be an Authorized Provider of International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) continuing education units (CEUs). Our IACET CEUs hold international recognition and are valuable for professionals in roles such as environmental health officials and teachers. Not only are we an IACET CEU provider, but also many other agencies and organizations have approved PHTA courses for CEUs.

Verify our IACET Accreditation

What is a CEU? (also known as Continuing Education Credits or CECs)

CEU stands for Continuing Educational Unit, a unit of measure of educational training for certain occupations

What’s the Value of a CEU?

Occupations require CEU’s to maintain professional licensure within the occupation or state

How to Obtain Your CEUs

Upon finishing a PHTA course, you will be sent an email containing a personalized evaluation form tailored to your completed course. Your responsibilities as a student may involve completing the evaluation by accessing the online link provided in the email.