Become a Certified Pool & Spa Service Technician

Pool Technician Course

certified pool & spa

Classes are coming soon

PRICE: $750
Pool Technician Course

You will be able to do the following after completing this pool technician certification course:

Prerequisites to Apply

Exam Information

To obtain the CST® (Certified Service Technician®) certification, you will need to successfully finish the CST course and sit for the CST Exam. This exam lasts for 2.5 hours and allows you to refer to your course materials. It consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and you are required to achieve a minimum score of 75% (answering at least 75 questions correctly) in order to pass.

Exam Content Breakdown
Unit Number of Questions
Unit 1: Safety 4 questions
Unit 2: Practical Knowledge 6 questions
Unit 3: Water Quality 12 questions
Unit 4: Structures and Finishes 7 questions
Unit 5: Circulation and Filtration 13 questions
Unit 6: Electrical & Lighting Requirements 13 questions
Unit 7: Pump Motors 10 questions
Unit 8: Heaters & Optional Equipment 16 questions
Unit 9: Control Systems 5 questions
Unit 10: Maintenance 14 questions
  100 questions total

Exam Retest Form: If you didn’t pass the exam, you can schedule a retest within a year of your testing date without needing to take the course again.

Pool Technician Course

How to Maintain Your Certification

To obtain the CST® (Certified Service Technician®) certification, you will need to successfully finish the CST course and sit for the CST Exam. This exam lasts for 2.5 hours and allows you to refer to your course materials. It consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and you are required to achieve a minimum score of 75% (answering at least 75 questions correctly) in order to pass.